Kristie Palin

Whilst I have fewer credits, I've been studying acting now for over 8 years. I have been in class for the majority of that time studying mostly on camera, in a variety of formats. Most recently I have trained in Meisner and believe in working moment to unanticipated moment in order to have an organic scene, whilst knowing relationship, conflict, circumstances, moment before, and knowing why you are saying what you are saying. I am not a professional coach but I would love to help you learn lines or run your audition with you to get you prepped!

Whilst I have fewer credits, I've been studying acting now for over 8 years. I have been in class for the majority of that time studying mostly on camera, in a variety of formats. Most recently I have trained in Meisner and believe in working moment to unanticipated moment in order to have an organic scene, whilst knowing relationship, conflict, circumstances, moment before, and knowing why you are saying what you are saying. I am not a professional coach but I would love to help you learn lines or run your audition with you to get you prepped!


Credits Include

2016 [IMDB]
Dead Rising 4
Video Game
2015 [IMDB]
The Break Up
2010 [IMDB]
Stand Up Funeral