Profiles Matching: Liverpudlian

Hello! My name is Naomi šŸ˜Š I'm from and based in London, UK. I have quite a bit of experience with cold reading, line-learning and self-tapes being a professional actor myself. Therefore Iā€™d love to help anybody who needs a partner to read lines, whether it be for an audition, self-tape or...

Max 30 min slot. Down to earth, gritty British actor that trained with the Impulse Company in 2018 (Meisner) and has a masters in Contemporary Theatre Practice from LIPA but is now a screen-based actor, director and editor. If you're looking for a reader with a regional accent (Liverpool / M...

Hi there, I hope you are all keeping safe and well wherever you are in the world at this scary time. Please do drop me a line if you want any help with self-tapes or someone reading in and rehearsing . I won't be charging at this time as I know we are all abit strapped for cash at this moment...

Hi there. I have extensive experience in both television, film and theatre. Please do visit my webiste for further info: I'd love to help you through the self tape process and get that job booked! I am very happy to just read with you, or work on direction a...